Ludlow's grooviest old watering hole, open every day from noon until 11pm (and sometimes a little later), we are a free house serving regular session beers, alongside a rotation of guest casked and kegged ales and ciders. There's always some chat, a warm fire, and Friday night is music night upstairs at L.O.S.T. (Live at the Old Street Tavern). You'll find us at the top end of Old Street, right under the back end of Prince Rupert's pony.
Thornbridge's Jaipur at 5.9% crowns our kegged line-up, while HPA is our go-to pale, and they are joined by several lagers, ciders, and Forged Stout. To see what we've currently got, do have a look at our Beers Page. We also serve excellent wines from Tanners, all manner of spirits and soft drinks, and if you become a Rupert - a friend of the Old Street Tavern - you can get splendid discounts on all of the above.
A man can't live on beer alone. We now serve freshly-made jumbo cobs with a generous filling of ham, cheese or beef.
The music upstairs ranges freely across rock, folk, electronica, blues and jazz, all the way to the shores of classical and baroque. Recent acts have included obscure and classic blues from Paula Riordan (Pink Floyd, King Crimson), a semi-acoustic set from post-punk grunge outfit Versaints, and the electronic messing-aboutery of DJs Flip Music. There's also a regular music jam on Wednesday evenings. If you are interested in playing, drop us a line at
Come in and have a drink – we look forward to welcoming you. If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to get in touch at